
Through thousands of years, when nature assembled the human body, besides the millions of perfectly coordinated components, assigned to every one of them (down to the smallest molecule) a specific place for a specific purpose.

 That is why we have legs for walking, eyes for seeing and so forth. When a part of the body has finished, for any reason, its purpose or became usefulness, nature simply eliminates it and finds an alternative. 

With the rest, nature also provided a ‘nose’ with two nostrils designed for breathing including a mouth. The use of the nose, as far as breathing is concerned, must be regarded as nature’s plan “A” while the use of the mouth plan “B”. The nose incorporating the two nostrils, is intended to deliver to the lungs a determined amount of air sufficient to maintain a smooth functioning of the whole system.

The  inhaled air enters the nose cavity where is cleared of possible impurities (including viruses) trapped by the mucus secreted by the walls cavities, humidified and warmed before sending it to the lungs appropriately conditioned for safe use.

With this in mind, if we analyse the problem of apnoea, it becomes evident that it occurs when a person, while sleeping lying down, especially, flat on the back, breathing with the mouth open and the muscles relaxed, he or she inhalesan amount of air greater than the one intended by nature to pass via the nostrils to the lungs. 

The excess of such greater volume of air, unable to enter the lungs, (see explanation below) is turned back towards to point of entry generating a reflux lasting a short period of time. 

This temporary back pressure pushes down the soft tissue located at the back of the mouth stopping the breathing process and causing the intermittent breathing interruption called “apnoea” which could generate a life threatening situation. 

Viewed this way, the effect cannot be classed as physical abnormality or a medical disorder but rather a behaviour disorder, therefore essentially a muscular problem and as such it can be remedied by using properly the body parts as supplied and tested by nature for a long time.

We can have a clearer explanation if, for example, we imagine a real practical similar situation. Just considering a large water tank which we call “1” with an inlet pipe of 100 mm diameter and an outlet pipe of just 20 mm in diameter feeding a second smaller tank “2”; the smaller pipe has at the lower end, a stop non-return valve blocking the back flow of the water.

The water coming from tank “1” into tank “2” will not be allowed to flow again until the one in tank “2” is exhausted because controlled by the non-returning stop valve. Exactly the same proceeding is followed by the body within the breathing operation where the, non- returned valve, is replaced by muscles automatically operated by the brain.

This presentation must be considered in the absence of other physical anomalies which have to be attended separately by a medical professional. For this reason it does not suggest medications or medical apparatus but simply a firm desire to modify the process of breathing.

Putting it simply, is sufficient to inhale with the nose and if necessary exhale with the mouth instead of trying to do it all with the mouth because that is the way we are expected to breath (use only the mouth when necessary). 

In short train the brain and this can be achieved by blocking the back of the mouth with the tongue and leaving, the functioning of the body, work the way in intended to work; in the end will become as easy and natural as blinking.

It must be remember that is possible to massage, relax and control some internal upper part of the body including the breathing ones. (Refer to article “Facing the virus using the body’s own resources).